



Eastern Division TCA Logo

Approved by the Board of Directors on October 22, 2015

Revised April 17, 2018












            100-1   DUAL MEMBERSHIP

            100-2   PRIMARY AND AFFILIATE


            100-4   MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS

            100-5   DUES




            200-2   MEETINGS AND QUORUM

            200-3   MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE

            200-4   FINANCE COMMITTEE

            200-5   NOMINATING COMMITTEE


            200-7   INTERNET COMMITTEE



            300-1   MINUTES APPROVAL PROCESS





            300-6   RECORD RETENTION POLICY

            300-7   WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY


400      CHAPTERS




            500-1   YORK MEET RULES

                        SECTION 1. RULES

                        SECTION 2. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT



            500-4   YORK MEET CHAIRMAN

            500-5   YORK MEET REGISTRAR

            500-6   YORK MEET OPERATIONS

            500-7   STORAGE FACILITY




            600-2   LOST AND FOUND COMMITTEE

            600-3   OUTREACH PROGRAM

            600-4   MODULAR TRAIN CLUBS

            600-5   VOLUNTEERS

            600-6   COMPENSATION

            600-7   RIBBONS

            600-8   KIDS KORNER

            600-9   RESERVE YORK MEET FINANCES





The proper name of the April and October Eastern Division meets at York, PA will be known as the Eastern Division TCA York Meet.

Eastern Division York Meet may be open to the public in accordance with the tax and corporate codes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and with the approval of the Divisions’ Board of Directors.




A member of the Eastern Division (ED) shall also hold a membership in the Train Collectors Association (TCA).  If a TCA member fails to renew his/her membership, that person’s member loses his/her TCA membership, that person’s ED membership shall be forfeited automatically.


A.    Primary Membership in the Eastern Division is automatically bestowed upon a TCA member in good standing who resides in the geographic territory of the Division.   An individual member of TCA may request that he/she not be included on the ED membership role. 

B.    Affiliate Membership in the Eastern Division may be requested by any TCA member in good standing who does not reside within the geographic territory of the Division.  The request shall be on an official application form developed by the Board of Directors.  A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall admit to Affiliate Membership.  (Appendix 1)


A.    Primary Members shall have the regular rights of membership to be notified of meetings, speak, propose motions, vote, and hold elected and appointed offices.

B.    Affiliate Members shall have the right to be notified of meetings, speak but shall have none of the other rights of regular membership

C.    Primary and Affiliate Members shall automatically be sent a York Meet Registration Packet.

D.    Members are expected to support the Divisions activities and goals and to attend membership meetings when at the York Meet. 

100-4   Membership Meetings

A.    The membership shall meet twice a year at each York Meet. 

B.    A minimum of 50 Eastern Division members are required to represent a quorum at the general membership meeting in order to conduct and vote on Eastern Division business.


100-5   DUES

There are no membership dues for the Eastern Division.



All committee chairmen and members shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board of Directors.   Committees shall have no fewer than two members and no more than ten members unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws or by the Board of Directors.   By September 30, all committees shall annually submit a report to the Board of Directors stating their activities and accomplishments. 


A.    Committees shall meet at the call of their chairmen.   A quorum for conducting business shall be one half of the actual current members. 

B.    Committees may conduct their business through electronic means. 


The ED Vice President shall chair this committee.  The committee shall be responsible for sending welcoming letters explaining the purpose and activities of the Division and the York Meet to new ED members.   The Board of Directors may assign the committee to investigate membership complaints.


The committee shall consist of at least the Treasurer and one Board member including the officers appointed by the President with the consent of the Board.   The committee shall develop the annual budget to be approved by the Board of Directors.   The committee shall present financial reports to the Board tracking the actual income and expenses verses the budgeted income and expenses.  


The Eastern Division Immediate Past President shall serve as the Elections Supervisor for the nomination and elections process and shall also serve as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. If the Immediate Past President’s position is vacant, the Board of Directors shall elect one of its members, excluding the President, as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  The committee shall be responsible for the duties and function outlined in Bylaws Article VI.

The Eastern Division Bylaws (Article VI, Section 3) require standing rules for the preparation of election ballots.  Random placement of candidates insures complete impartiality.  The provision for write-ins insures the possibility of two (2) candidates for each position and complies with Roberts Rules.

The order of placement for candidates shall be determined in a random manner for each office on the ballot in any Eastern Division election of Officers and Directors-at-Large.  Ballots must include a provision for write-ins for each position.  


A.    The President shall appoint with the consent of the Board of Directors a Chairman and at least two other members including the Parliamentarian.   The Committee shall annually review the Bylaws and Policy Manual to determine the need for amendments or revisions.  

B.    Proposed amendments to the Bylaws submitted by members, chapters, or the Board shall be given to the Rules and Regulations Committee for review and recommendation. The Committee shall have the authority to combine, edit, and organize proposals that address the same topic and that have similar objectives. The Committee shall submit a draft of the amendment(s) along with its recommendation to the Board of Directors.  The Board shall be authorized on behalf of the Division membership to review and make any necessary amendments to the proposed amendment(s).  The Rules and Regulations Committee shall give notice of proposed amendment(s) to these bylaws in the call of one of the semi-annual Membership Business Meetings and shall post the final draft of the amendment(s) after its approval on the Division web site.  Upon an affirmative majority vote by the Division members at the business meeting, the proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted to the Primary Division membership for vote by mail or electronic ballot. If a majority of the ballots returned are affirmative, the amendment(s) shall be approved.

C.    The Rules and Regulations Committee shall be authorized, when needed, to draft a proposed revision of the bylaws. In the year in which the Bylaw Revision is under consideration, no independent amendments to the existing bylaws shall be proposed. The Committee shall submit a draft of the bylaw revision along with its recommendation to the Board of Directors.  The Board shall be authorized on behalf of the Division membership to review and make any necessary amendments to the proposed revision.  The Committee shall submit the proposed revision in the call of one of the semi-annual Membership Business Meetings and shall post the final draft of the revision after its approval on the Division web site. Upon an affirmative majority vote by the Division members at the business meeting, the proposed revision shall be submitted to the Primary Division membership for vote by mail or electronic ballot. If a majority of the ballots returned are affirmative, the revision shall be approved.


The York Meet Registrar is the chairman of the Internet Committee, which includes the Eastern Division President and York Meet Chairman.  The committee is responsible for managing the division’s informational and online registration websites.  The committee shall submit a line item amount for its operations to the Finance Committee for inclusion in its proposed budget. 

200-8  Awards Committee

Awards Committee has been established to recognize individuals, members, recognized groups of volunteers and members of the business community in their service, actions or support of the York Meet.  Awards may be given to TCA members for outstanding contributions in advancing TCA’s mission statement.  The type of award will be determined by the Awards Committee, the Eastern Division President and/or the Board of Directors.  Presentation to be during the Board of Directors semi-annual meeting with the recipients present or if circumstance prevents this presentation, an alternative arrangement may be made.   A budget line item of $2500.00 a year has been approved and established by the Board of Directors. 

200-9  Social Committee

The Social Committee headed by a member of the Board of Directors has been established to provide an opportunity for members to socialize with members of the Board, as well as fellow attendees.  Their responsibility includes preparing for the Ice Cream Social, Coffee Hour and Board of Directors Business Meeting luncheon.  



A.    The Board of Directors shall review and approve the minutes of the Membership Meetings.  The approved minutes shall be made available at the next Membership Meeting or upon a written request by a member after the minutes have been approved by the Board.

B.    The Board of Directors shall approve minutes of Board meetings.  Copies of approved minutes of Board meetings may be requested in writing and released upon the approval of the Board of Directors. 

C.    The Secretary may use an electronic recording device to assist in taking the minutes of meetings but these recordings shall be destroyed immediately after the minutes of a meeting have been approved.  No recordings shall be taken during Executive Sessions.  Any other recordings of meetings shall be prohibited unless the full consent of the Board of Directors is given. 


If any director of the Eastern Division reveals confidential information received at or from a Board of Directors meeting or from an Executive Session without prior authorization from the Board, such dissemination of confidential information shall be considered cause for removal of the director.


Reasonable travel expenses of board members to and from the site of the board meeting and lodging expenses may be reimbursed for attending regularly scheduled and special board meetings.  A voucher will be placed in board members’ folders at each meeting. The voucher should be filled out and returned to the Treasurer. Receipts must accompany the voucher. A check will be sent to reimburse the board member.




A.    Role of the Board

Acts as the fiduciary and guardian of the organizational assets

Reviews and approves the Eastern Division’s program budget

Establishes short- and long-term goals

Assesses progress toward goals

Assumes stewardship responsibility for ED’s finances

Sets policies for the overall management and operation of the Division


B.    Expectations of the Members of the Board

Attend regularly scheduled board meetings.

Participate in committee work.

Become informed about the policies and programs of the ED and TCA.

Participate in fundraising activities and special events sponsored by the ED.

Contribute financially according to ability.

Participate in board orientation activities.

Act as an informed advocate of the Division.

To vote according to one’s individual conviction, to challenge the judgment of others when necessary, yet to be willing to support the decision of the board and work with fellow board members in a spirit of cooperation; to recognize that the board chair alone speaks for the board.

Accept responsibility for at least one operation task during each York Meet.

The Board shall meet at least twice a year at each York Meet. 

Attend other meetings of the Board which may be called by the President. 




A.    The Eastern Division is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. Maintenance of its tax-exempt status is important both for its continued financial stability and for its accountability and compliance with state and federal regulations. Therefore, the operations of the Division must fulfill all legal requirements. They also depend on the public trust and thus are subject to scrutiny by and accountability to both governmental authorities and members of the TCA.

B.    Consequently, there exists between the Division and its board, officers, volunteers and employees a fiduciary duty that carries with it a broad and unbending duty of loyalty and fidelity. The board, officers, volunteers and employees have the responsibility of administering the affairs of the Division honestly and prudently, and of exercising their best care, skill, and judgment for the sole benefit of the Division. Those persons shall exercise the utmost good faith in all transactions involved in their duties, and they shall not use their positions with Division or knowledge gained there from for their personal benefit. The interests of the organization must have the first priority in all decisions and actions.

C.    All major purchases shall be submitted for bids and executed through contracts.

D.    A Board of Director member shall excuse him or herself from voting on business that represents a personal conflict of interest.



The Eastern Division takes seriously its obligations to preserve information relating to litigation, audits, and investigations. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act makes it a crime to alter, cover up, falsify, or destroy any document to prevent its use in an official proceeding. Failure on the part of the Division staff or employees to follow this policy can result in possible civil and criminal sanctions against the Division and its employees and possible disciplinary action against responsible individuals (up to and including termination of employment). Each employee has an obligation to contact the chief executive or chief financial officer of a potential or actual litigation, external audit, investigation, or similar proceeding involving the Division. The information listed in the retention schedule below is intended as a guideline and may not contain all the records the Division may be required to keep in the future. Questions regarding the retention of documents not listed in this chart should be directed to the President (chief executive). 

From time to time, the chief executive may issue a notice, known as a “legal hold,” suspending the destruction of records due to pending, threatened, or otherwise reasonably foreseeable litigation, audits, government investigations, or similar proceedings. No records specified in any legal hold may be destroyed, even if the scheduled destruction date has passed, until the legal hold is withdrawn in writing by the chief executive.


File Category


Retention Period

Corporate Records

Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation



Corporate resolutions



Board and committee meeting agendas and minutes



Conflict-of-interest disclosure forms

4 years

Finance and Administration

Financial statements (audited)



Auditor management letters



Payroll records



Journal entries



Check register and checks

[7 years/ Permanent]


Bank deposits and statements

7 years


Charitable organizations registration statements (filed with [State] Attorney General)

7 years


Chart of accounts

7 years


Expense reports

7 years


General ledgers and journals (includes bank reconciliations, fund accounting by month, payouts allocation, securities lending, single fund allocation, trust statements)

7 years


Accounts payable ledger

7 years


Investment performance reports

7 years


Investment consultant reports

7 years


Investment manager correspondence

7 years


Equipment files and maintenance records

7 years after disposition


Contracts and agreements

7 years after all obligations end


Investment manager contracts

7 years after all obligations end


Correspondence — general

3 years

Insurance Records

Policies — occurrence type



Policies — claims-made type



Accident reports

7 years


Fire inspection reports

7 years


Safety (OSHA) reports

7 years


Claims (after settlement)

7 years


Group disability records

7 years after end of benefits

Real Estate




Leases (expired)

7 years after all obligations end


Mortgages, security agreements

7 years after all obligations end


Purchase agreements

7 years after disposition requirement


IRS exemption determination and related correspondence



IRS Form 990s



Withholding tax statements

7 years


Correspondence with legal counsel or accountants, not otherwise listed

7 years after return is filed



3 years


One set of all communication documents kept on-site and one set kept off-site



Press releases



Annual reports

Permanent (5 copies)


Other publications

7 years



7 years


Press clippings

7 years

Donor Services

Fund agreements (paper and digital copies)



Correspondence — acknowledgment of gifts and grant requests



Donor fund statements


Community Philanthropy

Records from advisory committee or family fund meetings, including minutes, if any, and lists of grants recommended for approval.

7 years


Scholarship grant records, including applications if foundation staff participates in selection decisions

7 years


Approved grants — all documentation supporting grant payment, including application/recommendation, due diligence, grant agreement letters, grant transmittal letters, and post–grant reporting information, if any.

7 years after completion of funded program, or date of grant if general operating support


Foundation funding requests, correspondence, and reports (funding received)

7 years after completion of program


Declined/withdrawn grant applications

3 years


Foundation funding requests (denied)

3 years

Consulting Services

Consulting contracts/filed

7 years after all obligations end

Human Resources

Employee personnel files



Retirement plan benefits (plan descriptions, plan documents)



Employee medical records



Employee handbooks



Workers comp claims (after settlement)

7 years


Employee orientation and training materials

7 years after use ends


Employment offer letter

7 years after all obligations end


Employment applications

3 years


IRS Form I-9 (store separate from personnel file)






Software licenses and support agreements



Other foundations’ annual reports

2 years


Directories and periodicals

2 years

General Administration

Correspondence — chief executive and general

7 years


Appointment calendars — chief executive

7 years


Tape recordings of ED board meetings are to be retained only until the minutes of same are approved at the next meeting of the board.  Tapes of previous board meetings are to be destroyed.

6 months




In keeping with the policy of maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethics, the Eastern Division will investigate any suspected fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of the Division’s resources or property by staff, board members, consultants, or volunteers.  Staff, board members, consultants, and volunteers are encouraged to report suspected fraudulent or dishonest conduct (i.e., to act as “whistleblower”), pursuant to the procedures set forth below.

A.    Reporting

A person’s concerns about possible fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of resources or property should be reported to his or her supervisor or, if suspected by a volunteer, to the staff member supporting the volunteer’s work. If, for any reason, a person finds it difficult to report his or her concerns to a supervisor or staff member supporting the volunteer’s work, the person may report the concerns directly to the President (chief executive). Alternately, to facilitate reporting of suspected violations where the reporter wishes to remain anonymous, a written statement may be submitted to one of the individuals listed above.

B.    Definitions

         Baseless Allegations

Allegations made with reckless disregard for their truth or falsity. Individuals making such allegations may be subject to disciplinary action by the Division, and/or legal claims by individuals accused of such conduct.

    Fraudulent or Dishonest Conduct

A deliberate act or failure to act with the intention of obtaining an unauthorized benefit. Examples of such conduct include:

1.     Forgery or alteration of documents.

2.     Unauthorized alteration or manipulation of computer files

3.     Fraudulent financial reporting.

4.     Pursuit of a benefit or advantage in violation of the Division’s Conflict-of-Interest Policy.

5.     Misappropriation or misuse of the Division’s resources, such as funds, supplies, or other assets.

6.     Authorizing or receiving compensation for goods not received or services not         performed.

7.     Authorizing or receiving compensation for hours not worked.


400      CHAPTERS


A.    Groups of TCA members within the Eastern Division may organize as a Chapter subject to the bylaws and policies of the TCA and the Eastern Division.  A Chapter may be dissolved only by action of the Board of Directors of the TCA.

B.    Each Chapter within the geographic boundaries of the Eastern Division shall be entitled to one Chapter Representative Director on the ED Board of Directors.  This director shall be elected biennially by the members of the Chapter and shall serve a two-year term or until his or her successor is elected and assumes office.   Qualifications for Chapter Representative Directors: he or she shall be at least twenty-one years of age, a current member in good standing of TCA and a Primary Member of the Eastern Division for at least three years, and shall have a personal computer and personal e-mail account.

500      YORK MEET


The general York Meet Rules as contained in the York Meet Registration Packet shall be developed and approved by the York Meet Chairman, the York Meet Registrar and the Board of Directors.

York Meet Policies


The Eastern Division Bylaws, Article V, Section 2 permit the establishment of policies and necessary rules to produce the York Meet.  By establishing this policy, the Board of Directors clearly identifies those activities over which they have direct authority.  These policies establish a series of actions that will be taken to control members vacating their table/booth before the official end (published in the York Meet Notice) of the York Meet.

Section 1 RULES

1.  Guide/Service dogs are permitted for use by the disabled in the buildings.

2.  Photography is prohibited at any time in the non-dealer halls (Silver/Blue/Red/White) using any type of camera or electronic device.

3.  Still and video photography is permitted in the dealer halls. 

4. Still and video photography is permitted in the modular exhibit area during meet hours. 

5.  The use of occupied single width strollers is permitted.  No baby carriages, wagons, large backpacks, suitcases, handcarts or dollies are permitted in the halls during meet hours.

6.  Displays in the member Halls are limited to no more than 28” from the top of the table.

7.  Exceptions to the 28” display height rule in dealer Halls by the Meet Chairman or Hall Captain are allowed.

8.  Any member who vacates his/her table prior to the published time for conclusion of the Eastern Division semi-annual York Meet without permission of the Hall Captain or Meet Chairman may be sanctioned. Sanctions shall include: written notification [first offense]; increased fees for future table/booth registration [second offense]; and suspension of table-booth privileges at the next two York Meets [third offense] and publication of offender's name and TCA number [all offenses]. The decision to impose sanctions rests solely with the Meet Chairman. Administration of this policy is the responsibility of the Meet Registrar.  (Offense letters attached – Appendix 2)

9.  A member’s children under the age of 18 may attend the meet without paying an admission fee. Upon reaching the age of 18, adult children of members may attend only one Eastern Division Meet as a guest; adult children must join TCA in order to continue to attend Eastern Division Meets.

10. The non-member spouse and non-member significant other of a TCA member in good standing may attend the semi-annual York Meet.  Current registration fees will apply.

11. Caregiver Attendance at York Meets. This category of attendee accommodates the TCA member who requires a caregiver’s assistance in order to attend the meet or for a TCA member who has a relative 18 years of age or older for whom the TCA member must provide constant care and/or supervision.

The following provisions shall guide this policy:

A. The professional caregiver who is not a TCA member and who is at the

York Meet to assist the TCA member in transportation to and from the meet and/or to move around the grounds shall be permitted to attend multiple York Meets without paying the registration fee.

B. If a TCA member has a disabled relative (18 years of age or older) for whom he is the caregiver and the TCA member is required to bring the adult relative to the meet because the TCA member is responsible for providing constant care and/or supervision, the disabled adult relative (care receiver) is permitted to attend multiple York Meets without paying the registration fee.

C. If a TCA member receiving care giving services from a relative who is 18 years of age or older and not a member of the TCA requires the services of this caregiver during the York Meet for transportation to and from the meet and/or to move around the grounds, the care giving relative is permitted to attend multiple York Meets without paying the registration fee.

D. The caregiver or the care receiver shall stay with the member at all times while in any hall.

E. A badge shall be issued to the caregiver or care receiver reflecting the appropriate category.

F. The Eastern Division Registrar is empowered to determine who is eligible to be designated caregiver or care receiver [i.e., proof of disability or status as a caregiver or care receiver].

12. The attempt by any member to obtain or to obtain and subsequently use another

TCA Member’s name and/or TCA membership number to secure an additional table(s) for use at the semi-annual York Meet without the permission of that member may be subject to sanctions. These sanctions may include denial of attendance to the semiannual York Meet for a period not to exceed two years. Upon discovery of such activity, a complete report will be submitted to the Membership Chairman for investigation and recommendation to the Eastern Division Board of Directors [BoD]. The BoD may elect to conduct a trial. In an executive session, the BoD shall review charges and specifications, provide the defendant the opportunity to be present and offer a defense or if unable to be present, furnish a defense in writing. The BoD shall deliberate to reach a decision of guilt or innocence. If guilty, the offending member, family members and guests may be denied the privilege of attending York Meets for a period not to exceed two years and the matter shall be forwarded immediately to the TCA National Membership Committee for review and action as is deemed appropriate.


13. The Registrar is to establish a pool of tables that can be sold during pre-registration     and registration for each York Meet based on the following criteria:

A.    The table was not sold at the previous meet.

B.    The table was sold as a vacant table at the previous meet.

C.    A member releases a table that he/she no longer wishes to purchase.

D.    The registration staff becomes knowledgeable that the table will be vacant during the registration process.

The Registrar and staff have the opportunity to reassign tables where possible to accommodate changing member requirements or the need of the registration staff to sell tables best fitted to hall configurations.  This flexibility is needed due to the changing requirements of the members and for fairgrounds building configuration, and the opportunity for increased income and to cover all space in the dealer/members halls.

Meet Notice Mailing Procedures

A.    Eastern Division members will be mailed the York Meet notice regardless of their history of registering for the meet.

B.    TCA members that are not members of Eastern Division will be mailed the York Meet Notice if they have registered for one of the past two (2) meets immediately preceding the next scheduled York Meet.


14. The TCA Headquarters News publication will contain information concerning the    York Meet dates, various ways to register, registration forms, and how to obtain a York Meet Notice.

15.  The Eastern Division website will include the capability for online registration for the upcoming meet and links to download the current York Meet Notice.

16.  All dealers registered for the York Meet must have and keep their PA tax number current and report them accurately on registration forms.  Tax numbers are reported to the PA State Tax office before each meet and must be in compliance with the tax regulations of the state.  Non-compliance will result in the loss of table/booth space and permission to set up and sell at the York Meet. 

17.  The Eastern Division Meet Notice is to be posted on the Eastern Division website, coinciding with the mailing of the semi-annual meet notice by the Registration staff or Webmaster.

18. For all future meets, the York Meet Registrar may use either First or Standard Class Mailing Service (as determined by the Board of Directors) for mailing the York Meet Registration Packet with the proper Ancillary Service Endorsement for Address Service Requested as described in Regulation 507.d of the U.S. Postal Service.  This endorsement will require the Post Office to forward any mail piece that has a forwarding notice on file and return undeliverable mail to the sender.

19. Use of the York Meet announcement system is under the control of the Meet Registrar in conjunction with the Meet Chairman.  Only limited announcements are made and only with prior approval. 

20. The Board of Directors has approved the online credit card member registrations for the York Meet(s) to include handling fees as determined by the Registrar and Treasurer and to be reviewed by the Eastern Division Board of Directors as needed for future meets.

Section 2 Standards of Conduct


Any TCA member, guest, family member, volunteer, dealer, or vendor who engages in activities of behavior that are disruptive, abusive, violent [including physical contact], harassing, or interferes with and/or prevents the normal operations of the hall or meet may be subject to immediate removal from the York Meet buildings or grounds. A table holder, vendor, or dealer who engages in such behavior may be subject to immediate removal or allowed to leave at the end of the current business day, depending on the circumstances. The York Meet Chairman shall have the authority to investigate the situation and order the removal of the offending party or parties. York Meet Security Guards and, if necessary, the local Police Department may be employed in removing the offender. The York Meet Chairman shall make a complete report of all incidents and shall submit it to the Membership Chairman for investigation and recommendation to the Eastern Division Board of Directors [BoD]. In addition to the behavior described above, threatening phone calls or any correspondence directed to Eastern Division BoD members, volunteers and its employees that occur separate from the conduct of the York Meet shall be investigated as described above. The BoD may elect to conduct a trial. In an executive session, the BoD shall review charges and specifications, provide the defendant the opportunity to be present and offer a defense or if unable to be present, furnish a defense in writing. The BoD shall deliberate to reach a decision of guilt or innocence. If guilty, the offending member may be denied the privilege of attending upcoming York Meets and the matter shall be forwarded immediately to the TCA National Membership Committee for review and action as is deemed appropriate. 


Trial Process


In order to bring any member to trial a great deal of work must be done before hand.  A committee should be formed to investigate the incident and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding whether charges should be referred or the person should be exonerated.  A CHARGE must include the Rule that was broken and a description of the behavior that broke that rule.  Either the oral testimony of a witness or a written statement by the witness must be presented.  The Board then considers the recommendation in Executive Session.  If it is the decision (majority vote) of the Board that charges should be pressed, the Board adopts a resolution:

Be it Resolved, that the Board of Directors shall meet in Executive Session for trial to meet at _____am/pm on ______________ in the ______________(location);

Resolved, that Mr. _______________ be cited to appear at the trial to show cause why he is not guilty of the following Charge and Specifications(s):

            Charge: The _________ Rules states that _______________________________

Specification 1.Mr. _________ has been seen doing ______________________.

Resolve, that Mr. ______ and Mr. ________ be appointed to act as manager for Eastern Division at the Trail.  (Managers have the task of presenting the evidence against the accused).

The Secretary then sends a letter to the accused with a copy of the Resolution.  The Accused is told that he has a right to bring counsel to represent his interest.

The Trial is a formal hearing on the validity of the charges.  The Managers present the evidence against the accused.  The accused also has a right either directly or through his counsel to question witnesses’ or to present witnesses or evidence.  The other Board members are like a jury: they sit and listen to testimony but do not speak or ask questions during the Trial.

When the Trial portion ends the Board continues in Executive Session.  The accused, even if he is a member of the board is excused from session number 2.  If the Board decides that the Charges are found to be not substantiated then a motion is made to exonerate the accused.   If the accused is found to be guilty of the charges, then the chair declares that the next order of business is to determine what penalty will be given.  A motion must be made giving the penalty.  The vote on this motion is by ballot and there must be two-thirds in the affirmative to adopt the motion. 



This policy would contain information and descriptions regarding the composition and format for the Registration Packet; printing, mailing dates, procedures, and postage; the registration form; other methods of distributing the registration form and packet.  (Attachment)


This policy would describe how the registration forms are received and processed; the registration area at the York Meet and how it operates; and the post registration functions.  All Eastern Division computers will be used solely for the purpose of division business.  In order to maintain “Level C” PCI Compliance Standards, three separate tablets (virtual terminals) will be used exclusively for the processing of telephone credit card payments.  The Registrar will be responsible for research, procurement, and implementing the use of the “virtual terminals”, for telephone credit card processing. 


The York Meet Chairman is responsible for the operations of the semi-annual Division meets.  He or she reports to the Board of Directors.  The Chairman shall be a Primary Member of the Eastern Division with previous experience in a one of the major roles in organizing or operating the York Meet.   Among the duties the Chairman has are a) assigning and supervising Hall Captains and workers, b) developing the structure for the Meets, c) working with the fairgrounds staff and other entities needed in support of the York Meet, d) with the President and York Meet Registrar acting as a tribunal for the resolution of problems and complaints at the Meet, and establishing meet policies.


The Registrar along with the Board of Directors is authorized to contract for computer software development support.  This is a major component in solving technical problems and maintaining the registration program; thereby ensuring a successful York Meet. 


The Eastern Division York Meet is a semi-annual activity held in April and October of each year and is under contract to the York Fairgrounds and shall comply with the requirements of the fairgrounds (including applicable ADA regulations).  Due to unusual, unexpected or planned changes to the building or fairgrounds the Meet Chairman will be required to resolve these occurrences to the best of his/her abilities to ensure the meet is not subject to a financial loss.

500-7  Storage Facility

The York Meet Registrar is authorized to rent a climate controlled self-storage unit to house meet and business related records, supplies, printers, computers and other required meet and Division items.  The Division President shall be added to the rental agreement and will have all necessary codes and keys, as well as the Registrar. 

600-0   General Division Policies

600-1   President’s Discretionary Allotment

President’s discretionary annual allotment is $2500.00 to be used in the best interest of the Division.  This expenditure is to be reported at the next Board Meeting.

600-2   Lost and Found Committee

The Lost and Found Committee shall be established and chaired by a member of the Board to accept, house and secure lost items during the York Meet, and if possible, locate and return said items to the rightful owner.  Items not retrieved after one or two York meets will be donated to appropriate non-profit organizations, recommended as a door prize or discarded.


The establishment of the Division Outreach Program to other non-profit train organizations is to encourage through Board approved funding, to foster and encourage broader membership participation during the York Meet; to support the recruitment of new TCA members, and to encourage the establishment of additional Eastern Division Chapters.  Funding may also be used to support the mission of a club to operate and display model trains to the public.

600-4   Modular Train Clubs

Modular train groups that set up their modular layouts in any hall designated by the York Meet Chairman and the President are permitted to take photographs of their operation prior to the scheduled opening time on the first day of the York Meet. 

In order for permission to be granted the currently serving senior representative of the modular train group requesting permission to photograph their operation shall sign a waiver that absolves Eastern Division and its Board of Directors of any liability and responsibility that may arise as a result of any future use or impact of any photograph taken as a result of the permission granted.  This waiver is procedure to hold Eastern Division harmless as a result of the group activity and picture taking during the York Meet.

This is an exception to the York Meet no photographs policy be made to allow photography in the Black Hall by the designated operating train organization during set up hours only and not during regular meet hours providing that the operating club executes the hold harmless agreement (on file) as presented by the Meet Chairman. 


Volunteers are not paid.  Salaried positions are documented and paid under the guidelines for reporting to the IRS.  Helpers can be compensated for donating time with such perks as free tables, per diem, meals, and mileage.  The terms “paid” and “compensated” have different meanings and are reported and documented in differing ways.  Some individuals enjoy volunteering and do not expect to be compensated.  There are jobs, however, which take an enormous amount of time and it is appropriate to provide some compensation to acknowledge their contribution.  A list of individuals who do significant jobs for the York Meet shall be submitted by the Meet Chairman and Registrar to the President and Treasurer at the Division finance meeting at the close of each York Meet.  This is a meeting of the President, Treasurer and Meet Chairman during which meet expenses are reviewed and approved for payment.  A review is conducted of individuals to be compensated, jobs performed, number of days worked and miles traveled.  Each expense/compensation needs to be submitted to the committee for approval.  A copy of this spreadsheet shall be shown to Board members.  Any Board member may attend this meeting and all are encouraged to do so.  At this meeting, several major bills are submitted and adjudicated such as; tables rental, support personnel and security.


Those receiving compensation shall include Board members and Board committee chairs required to attend, registration staff identified by the Registrar, Hall Captains, RV Parking personnel and Meet set-up individuals identified by committee chairs and approved by the Meet Chairman.  All requests for reimbursement of invoices shall be submitted for payment to the Treasurer within 30 days of the conclusion of the meet, in addition all other approved invoices and receipts shall be submitted to the Treasurer within 30 days of purchase.  The treasurer shall have seven business days to issue a compensation check to the above mentioned volunteers.

Based on GSA information or Board recommendation

Standard Compensation includes:

1 Admission

1 Table

Meal allowance – (number of days worked is approved by the Meet Chairman)

Per Diem for lodging – per day or free RV parking

Mileage – up to maximum of 600 miles total

Use of personal car to perform work as assigned (must be approved by the Meet Chairman) at $20.00 per day

The President of Eastern Division or an alternate is required to represent the Division at TCA’s National five (5) day June Convention held in various parts of the country as determined by National.  To offset expenses not covered by National, the board has been authorized to subsidize the Presidents expenses to the National Convention by two (2) days.  Currently, National reimburses for only three (3) days.  They reduced paying for all five (5) days due to budget constraints.

600-7   Ribbons

Ribbons are a means of identifying those individuals who assist with the meet and have authorization to be in halls prior to the Meet opening.  Ribbons do not signify entitlement to compensation or salary.  Ribbons are given to individuals who generously give their time at the Meet to assist with tasks to improve the event for all.  Some individuals given ribbons are paid staff or Meet support personnel, such as York Expo personnel who need access to the halls.         

600-8   Kids Korner

Kids Korner during the York Meet is sponsored, staffed and maintained by the Division’s WB&A Chapter and the space allotted by the Division has been designated within a specified area; the confluence between the Silver and Blue halls which is a connector corridor that is not used as a trading area. 

600-9   Reserve York Meet Finances

Eastern Division is a 501 (C)(7) non-profit organization and in accordance with PA State Tax requirements may maintain funds to support two (2) meets.


Anyone, other than a member of the Board of Directors or the board appointed Registrar, that makes changes to our financial records and/or computer programs and/or files will be required to enter into a written contract and/or agreement with Eastern Division-TCA.  This agreement will need to be signed by the contractor as well as the President and Treasurer of Eastern Division and address the following issues:

1.     Services to be performed

2.     Payment

3.     Terms of Payment

4.     Expenses

5.     Terms of Agreement

6.     Terminating the Agreement

7.     Local, State and Federal Taxes

8.     Exclusive Agreement

9.     Modifying the Agreement

10.  Limited Liability

11.  Applicable Law


600-11 Eastern Division Corporate Credit Cards


The Eastern Division Board of Directors has authorized the use of credit cards for purchasing computer hardware, software, office supplies and other items as required, in maintaining and improving the division’s operations and the semi-annual York Meet. 

Only two (2) credit cards will be issued and controlled by the President and Treasurer.  The purpose of these cards is to establish corporate accounts with vendors to obtain greater cost control, and timely service.  All purchases and orders by the staff will need pre-authorization, pre-approval by the President or the Treasurer. 


Sam Geiser

Past President, Rules and Regulations Chairman


James L. Williams, PRP

April 2, 2012 (Revised April 16th, 2013) (Revised April 22nd, 2014) (Revised January 13th, 2016) (Revised November 15th, 2017) (Revised April 17th, 2018)