York Train Show - October 17th, 18th, 19th 2024 - Quick Reference Guide
Links in the announcement below:
October 2024 York Welcome Party
Tuesday Evening, 5:30 PM, Need Tickets - Call - 585.683.9333
York Pre-Show
Our PRESHOW is in the Purple Hall Monday thru Wednesday October 14-16!
See information below for more details.
YouTube Fanatics
Saturday, October 19th at 11am in the Veranda Room
Operating Train Layouts at the York Train Show
Check for the list closer to the show. Below are some of the train clubs who have displayed their layouts at the show.
Black Hall: Standard Gauge Module Association - 25x41 - Standard Gauge Layout
Orange Hall Concession Area: Kids Creek Railroad, METCA & LCCA - 6x15 - O Gauge Layout
Purple Hall: Eagle Line Railroad - 10x30 O Gauge Layout
White Hall: Washington & Old Dominion - 26x35 - S Gauge Layout
Display your Modular Train Layout at York
If you know a Modular Train Club that's interesting in attending the York Show, have them contact Mike at meetchair@easterntca.com
A big Thank you to Ryan Newman for his hard work and dedication as Editor and Publisher of Clem's Primer. If you haven't taken the time to read it, please do. It's packed full of good information about the show, York County and the surrounding areas. Put on a pot of coffee, grab a cup and get caught up on Clem's Primer. Here's the link: Clem's Primer!!
- You failed to include a Self Addressed Stamp Envelope with your registration.
- You sent a registration form without a signature.
- You sent a check with Non-Sufficent Funds available to cover the check.
- You didn't submit the correct amount of funds.
- We mailed your badge, however the postal service did not deliver it.
CONSIDER PRE-REGISTRATION at the show and take your badge home with you. - As you can see, there are a number of reasons you may not have received your badge. Be assured we have tried to contact you either by phone or email. It's very important we have the correct contact information on you. Please keep us up to date.
We have had a number of members contact us and say "they never received their meet notice." This has been a concern for many years so to make sure everyone receives a registration form Eastern Division has a full page ad in the TCA Headquarters Newsletter with the registration form . If you don't receive your meet notice, please register online https://www.yorkregistration.org or use the form located in the Headquarters Newsletter. Questions: call the Eastern Division Call Center at 585-683-9333.
The Dealer and Operating Layout Buildings are open to the Public on Friday and Saturday. Our hours: Friday at 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Register at the Ticket Booth located inside the Lobby of the Orange Hall (York Expo Center). Admission is $10 per person (Friday or Saturday). Children under the age of 18 accompanied by a paying adult will be admitted free of charge. Register online and skip the lines at Online Registration. If you like what you see consider attending as a guest. To register as a guest, go to Memorial Hall where the Registration Desk is located and tell them you want to register as a guest. Registering as a guest allows you access to the remaining 4 buildings. With over 1900 tables of trains for sale, it's a sight for sore train eyes to see. Guest admission is $25.00 at the door. (Public admission fee will be applied to your guest admission). Register online as a guest at Guest Registration.
Stop by the Pre-registration table located just inside the entrance to the Silver Hall,
register for the April 2025 show and take your badge home with you.
We want to remind you to bring as many guests as you want, as there is no limit to the number of “first time” guests you may bring. You’ll find the guest form on our website (Guest Form). Remember, a guest may attend one time as a guest and then they are required to join the TCA to continue attending the York Train Show and enjoy visiting not just the Dealer halls, but the Member halls, as well. Many guests continue to express their interest in TCA and have now become members. The last York Show proved to be a another successful recruiting effort for the TCA.
Online Registration
Online registration is always an option and don’t forget you can call the Eastern Division Call Center at 1-585-683-9333 to pay by credit card.
We offered members the opportunity to pre-register for the upcoming meet and take their badges home with them. If you didn't take advantage of this convenience, please try it at the next show. A sign up table will be located across from the Registration Desk. Put that on your list of places to stop while wandering through the Silver Hall. The advantages for pre-registering:
- Convenience - do it at the meet and forget about it until you receive your badge in the mail.
- Cost - we pay the postage.
- Time saver - you save time as you no longer need to wait for the meet notice to arrive, then complete the form, put a self-addressed stamped envelope in with your registration form and make a trip to the post office.
- Accuracy of information - ensuring the information we have on file is correct and eliminating errors due to illegible penmanship.
Everyone should consider using this method to register for the next meet. If you pre-registered, you will still receive a meet notice for informational purposes only. No need to submit a registration form and if you're not sure if you pre-registered - Contact Us.
Be safe. We look forward to seeing you all again in at the next York Train Show.
but you would like to attend our show and see for yourself what it's like to go to "Toy Train Heaven". With 1 dealers hall and 4 non-dealer halls loaded with trains, plus modular exhibits of operating toy train layouts, dealer seminars, buying, selling and much more... you don't want to miss it. We have over 190,000 square feet of trains, trains and more trains. For more information click here to attend as a guest. Perhaps you've attended our show and now you want to join the Train Collectors Association and become a member of the York Train Show family. Click here for more information.
Wandering Through York County - Blog by Jamie Kensley
Check out this amazing blog at https://yorkblog.com/wandering/train-meet-2018/
Jamie has spent many hours researching York County and the history of trains down through the years to include the Eastern Divison York Train Meet.